Thursday 22 December 2011

~~~ WhaT's LoVe !!??? ~~~


       A lot of people defines love is to like some one , But it is not that easy , is it to find some one who really wants to share the rest of his life with you ?? .... NoT That either , it's so rare cause love is to feel by the other person , feel every thing happens to him , to feel that he completes you , if he went away from you that would weak you and maybe you feel like you are leaving the life , is to care for some one and try not to make anything would make him feel bad or sad , if he felt sad you would be always beside him , if he felt happy you share him his happiness and never ever let him feel lonely , always be there for him , some body would ask will i do everything and he will do nothing ??! of course not he should be doing the same to you , the biggest question , if you were pushed to choose between saving his life and maybe you die ... would you do it , and if you would , will you just take seconds or some time to consider it or you will just do it at the exact same moment ??! , if you would at the exact same moment then you are the one for that person, if not then you do not love him you just like him ..... and if he choosed another one and not you , you have to be happy for him if he is going to be happy cause it's his choice not yours :) <3

Friday 25 November 2011

LaTeLy _____(-_-)

After what happened in the last few weeks , and no one can walk out of his home or hang out with his friends i felt so lonely cause my days became like 1 day and only different in college lectures only but the whole week became so boring , nothing new , it's really affected me , so it's a quite depressing situation , so when i started to think for a short time period i found that if i have ever fall in love , that would change a little bit of this inconvenient situation , but something took my thought for a long time , i am living in a huge planet called earth , i started to wonder the sky , and trace the clouds , i found it so amusing , but i saw after that the beautiful sun set , i remembered how  empty my heart is, then i wanted to cry but i remembered that if my destiny is to meet someone so i will meet the most suitable girl for me then i smiled ,,,,,( Based on my own experience in college bus LoL )

Saturday 29 October 2011

--->>> OO FiRsT KiSS OO <<<---

Where would it be??!! , when would it be ??!! , under clean sky or under rainy wheather ???!! , what would be it's taste ??!! , with whom would it be ??!! would it be by my while or was forced to do ??!! , alot of questions are in my mind really but what's really matter to me would it be with the one that my heart have choosen or would it be with one my heart didn't choose but my mind did .... so hard to know that which make this thing have some advantages and disadvantages , let's start with the disadvantage ... first maybe i would not find her , maybe i meet her at wrong time and wrong place , maybe i won't find her at all and choose one i have never felt a thing towards her , and the advantages .... maybe my destiny is carrying something better to me , maybe i find her and marry her and live happily ever after , maybe i live all my life without any girl in my life , maybe i don't find her but marry someone and love her after marriage , but " I THINK MY DESTINY IS CARRYING A BETTER THING THAT I WILL NEVER IMAGINE TO GET " , Any way if i find her and told her about my feeling at this time i would kiss her , in a romantic place with some flowers surounding the place and with a slow music and beautiful sunset view , it would be memoriable :) , hope to make that happen some day ..... :******

Saturday 8 October 2011

---> AnD LiFe GoeS ON <---

            you see what you see , dream about something you want to achieve , think about something you want to finish , try to forget something you saw or you did , or to forget something someone did to you , but those things which remain in your memory like it happened yesterday , sometimes you wish to die and some times you wish to live for ever , when you find love and when you lose it , life is like someone want something from you , it gives you something to make you to do what it want ,then it takes what it gave to you , but not everything in life is bad , there are somethings worth to live for , family and friends without them there is no life and no meaning for it , if you looked up in the sky you will see something no one can create except our god " allah " ,you should be happy what ever life made to you , and if you liked it or not " LiFe GoES ON !!! "

Thursday 22 September 2011

--> NeVeR ThoughT I would MisS You ThaT Much <--

Because of my ultimate love to you , i can't even imagine my heart with feeling you and touching you , Darling Life worth NothiNG without you , i can't feel life like before while i was with you every thing we touch it's like a different type of music with especial taste for everyone who tasted love , I Am In LovE WitH You XoXoXoXoXo ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
->RoMaNTiC QUoTeS<- 

Tuesday 13 September 2011

~---> HaVe YoU EveR <---~

Have you ever gave me a chance , to know me , to know how much i love you , how much i care for you?!! , or you are just searching for beautiful guy , not a real responsible man ??? , it's not easy to leave me thinking of you all the time While you are Hanging around , it's not my fault that i fall in love with you and not yours because you can't love me , but you don't know me to judge me , some people say i am too sensitive and so romantic person even that my look doesn't make any body to feel that except those who know me very well , I Have never thought about any one but you , your eyes are carved into my mind , every time i think i see your eyes and feel their magic when i was watching them you that and you saw me many times looking to you too long and when you smile i smile  when you laugh i laugh deep down and go happy because you was happy , i am deeply in love with you <3 <3

Wednesday 13 July 2011

~~one present i wish to have some day~~

I Have been dreaming about this present so many years , what made me wait is i can't have when i was a baby , i waited tell this moment come , the present is (YOU : which my heart was looking for and still and will remain for ever ) , desperation will never get to me cause my heart and my mind is toatlly in need of you , you are like the breath that i need to take to live , like the water that i need to live you are MY WORLD , mabe someone consider me as a crazy one cause i'm waiting for some one may not come , but never thought of that and i won't cause i know she will be beside me soon very very sooon .
_____WaITiNG TeLL DeATh____

Tuesday 28 June 2011

--->NeeD SomE EspeciaL Person<---

I'm feeling so lonely , no one cares about me , no girl friend , and even the two that they still Especial  to me they are not beside me when i need them , please please please! come because my life is being changed from light to darkness which you can't even know if you can see or you are blind :( , it's hard to live in this world alone , hard to see every one around you having fun with the one he in love with but you can't even imagine your other part,your soul , the one who will control your life and make it goes from hell into heaven just as soon as she get into your life , as soon as that happens , you will see the flowers suddenly comes out around you and close to hear trying to touch her like she is sort of an angel and actually she will be an angel but only to you in your own world which you made it to her from love and romance and covered by your heart and chained by her love for ever. please be quick (----->I'M SO DESPERATE AND FEELING THAT IS ONLY A BIG LIE AND ONLY UNBELIEVABLE DREAM :'( <-----)

Monday 6 June 2011

----->AnywaY It'S A BeautifuL FeelinG<------

          when i see her eyes my heart beats fast and my mouse open like i saw something extra ordinary , its a little bit green and with so little brown , excellent mix, unique , stylish , beautiful , has a beautiful eyes , not very tall or short , not fat and not very thin , has hair like silk , she is perfect but so hard to be my love , i will be so lucky to be hers , its a beautiful dream ,i always like some one will never think of me but who cares <3 :'( 

Saturday 14 May 2011

--->SomE FriendS YoU Can'T FeeL HoW PerciouS TheY ArE TilL CertaiN MomenT<-----

        come back ..... please , i can't live without you , i knew the taste of life because of you and only when i be with you , i even can't smile except when you are beside me please don't leave me and come back and be always beside me , my heart began to die and it's already broken , doctors fail to fix only you can fix , only you can touch , only you can make me feel again and laugh again ,there is no me without you , How about giving me another chance??!!!

-------------------------->I LOVE YOU<---------------------------

Wednesday 4 May 2011


i was touching the sky someday and the clouds ,that was only because something i saw while i was walking in the street i saw something blue and so mysterious and can't ever forget it but i didn't really saw her eyes or even walk near to her but it was just a dream , a dream of what i need to happen to me but why can't i meet her someday ,let me tell you what i would feel if i saw you once ,my blood will be boiling wants to be around your heart make your heart beat and be for ever healthy and my eyes became blind after  seeing you and they only can see you and only you , my hand can't ever feel the touch of any other girl ,my ears can't hear any voice but yours even my nose can't ever smell any other smell except your perfume ,****JUST GIVE ME THE CHANCE AND TRY AND I ENSURE YOU THAT YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT <3****


Friday 29 April 2011

---->the most valueble persons<-----

       I love them , i truly can't live without them , they light my life , always beside me when i need them , they makes me laugh , they makes me learn from life and have some experience , i can do anything for them but when they get mad of me i really can't sleep except when i make them forgive first and they are too hard to find maybe i have many of those persons but only 2 are always beside me if i just wanted any help , they are my best friends and there int.(D,D) , hhhh even there intials are exactly the same but they are not the same they a little bit differ from each other but any way ****(I LOVE THEM MUCH I WANT THEM TO KNOW THAT AND NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT OTHER THAN THAT EVEN IF I SAID THAT MY SELF)****

please forgive me for anything i did to you

Tuesday 26 April 2011

---->I LOVE YOU<----

(i love you), it's a word that i dreamed to say to you,but i never could be near to you,i only saw you in my dreams ,But i have never lose hope to find you and hold you between my eyes and hug you , but i have to ask you--->"Do you think that i will have the ability to see you in reality?!!! or it's only a beautiful dream i still living it :( i hope the second guess is wrong cause if it's true it will cause me death just as soon as i know that ,i hope that one day the dream comes true and see you in front of me and can touch you , i ensure you that you will never regret for being beside and near me , cause i would make anything for you to make you live happy for ever :) waiting for you even if you never felt me i will be life long .
"And just i wanna you to know that your name is carved on my heart from the moment i was born"

Monday 25 April 2011

---->YoU ArE ThE AnGeL Of My LiFe<----

      I'm waiting for u to come into my life from the moment that i realized there is something in life called love , once i have asked what it is , but after seconds i felt that my love is out there some where so i smiled because my love already exists but then i got sad because my love is far far away from me and not beside me ,i wanna do anything only just to know who is she or where is she or how does she looks or if she near to me and always around or i don't know anything about her yet , just sometimes i feel that i will meet her soon , sometimes i feel that she is always in front of me but can't even hint about that to me ,anyway just i wanna her to know that i will be under her command just come and point for anything and consider it between your sweet hands "SWEET HEART" I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU , I NEED YOU BESIDE ME , I'M FEELING SO LONELY PLEASE HURRY BEFORE , MY END COMES :'( :'( hurry up only more time to walk the path without you again i will be already dead as soon as i arrive at 1 cm far from the start :'( :'(

Sunday 24 April 2011

--->AnGeL FeeLiNGs<---

            **While i was sitting alone thinking and wondering what will be my feelings if i lived the experience of having a love or girl friend !!!, then i realized that i can know that feeling if i imagined that, then i tried to draw an image in my mind about me and my girl friend between my hands but never imagined how she looks and if she short or tall, thin or fat , blonde or black hair , all that doesn't matter to me i only wanted to know what would be my feelings at this situation , and actually it was a very beautiful feeling but can't describe ever that feelings by words but i will try ***** (It's like you invented an external world of your love and her love and living in it )***** , but of course the reality differ from my imagination but i will make a world for her from my love and never make her just be hurt even a little bit , just i want her to be beside me now and ever and for ever :D waiting for her life long , 
              ----->I NEED YOU DARLING<----