Thursday 22 December 2011

~~~ WhaT's LoVe !!??? ~~~


       A lot of people defines love is to like some one , But it is not that easy , is it to find some one who really wants to share the rest of his life with you ?? .... NoT That either , it's so rare cause love is to feel by the other person , feel every thing happens to him , to feel that he completes you , if he went away from you that would weak you and maybe you feel like you are leaving the life , is to care for some one and try not to make anything would make him feel bad or sad , if he felt sad you would be always beside him , if he felt happy you share him his happiness and never ever let him feel lonely , always be there for him , some body would ask will i do everything and he will do nothing ??! of course not he should be doing the same to you , the biggest question , if you were pushed to choose between saving his life and maybe you die ... would you do it , and if you would , will you just take seconds or some time to consider it or you will just do it at the exact same moment ??! , if you would at the exact same moment then you are the one for that person, if not then you do not love him you just like him ..... and if he choosed another one and not you , you have to be happy for him if he is going to be happy cause it's his choice not yours :) <3

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