Friday 29 April 2011

---->the most valueble persons<-----

       I love them , i truly can't live without them , they light my life , always beside me when i need them , they makes me laugh , they makes me learn from life and have some experience , i can do anything for them but when they get mad of me i really can't sleep except when i make them forgive first and they are too hard to find maybe i have many of those persons but only 2 are always beside me if i just wanted any help , they are my best friends and there int.(D,D) , hhhh even there intials are exactly the same but they are not the same they a little bit differ from each other but any way ****(I LOVE THEM MUCH I WANT THEM TO KNOW THAT AND NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT OTHER THAN THAT EVEN IF I SAID THAT MY SELF)****

please forgive me for anything i did to you

Tuesday 26 April 2011

---->I LOVE YOU<----

(i love you), it's a word that i dreamed to say to you,but i never could be near to you,i only saw you in my dreams ,But i have never lose hope to find you and hold you between my eyes and hug you , but i have to ask you--->"Do you think that i will have the ability to see you in reality?!!! or it's only a beautiful dream i still living it :( i hope the second guess is wrong cause if it's true it will cause me death just as soon as i know that ,i hope that one day the dream comes true and see you in front of me and can touch you , i ensure you that you will never regret for being beside and near me , cause i would make anything for you to make you live happy for ever :) waiting for you even if you never felt me i will be life long .
"And just i wanna you to know that your name is carved on my heart from the moment i was born"

Monday 25 April 2011

---->YoU ArE ThE AnGeL Of My LiFe<----

      I'm waiting for u to come into my life from the moment that i realized there is something in life called love , once i have asked what it is , but after seconds i felt that my love is out there some where so i smiled because my love already exists but then i got sad because my love is far far away from me and not beside me ,i wanna do anything only just to know who is she or where is she or how does she looks or if she near to me and always around or i don't know anything about her yet , just sometimes i feel that i will meet her soon , sometimes i feel that she is always in front of me but can't even hint about that to me ,anyway just i wanna her to know that i will be under her command just come and point for anything and consider it between your sweet hands "SWEET HEART" I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU , I NEED YOU BESIDE ME , I'M FEELING SO LONELY PLEASE HURRY BEFORE , MY END COMES :'( :'( hurry up only more time to walk the path without you again i will be already dead as soon as i arrive at 1 cm far from the start :'( :'(

Sunday 24 April 2011

--->AnGeL FeeLiNGs<---

            **While i was sitting alone thinking and wondering what will be my feelings if i lived the experience of having a love or girl friend !!!, then i realized that i can know that feeling if i imagined that, then i tried to draw an image in my mind about me and my girl friend between my hands but never imagined how she looks and if she short or tall, thin or fat , blonde or black hair , all that doesn't matter to me i only wanted to know what would be my feelings at this situation , and actually it was a very beautiful feeling but can't describe ever that feelings by words but i will try ***** (It's like you invented an external world of your love and her love and living in it )***** , but of course the reality differ from my imagination but i will make a world for her from my love and never make her just be hurt even a little bit , just i want her to be beside me now and ever and for ever :D waiting for her life long , 
              ----->I NEED YOU DARLING<----