Thursday 7 August 2014

Dreaming heart

"it's easy to imagine what you want to be , imagine your future , but at the same moment hard to see the way to there , you can try and tr
y and try harder but no use . only god can make your try get you there , and don't forget no one takes everything he wished for , sometimes you reach what you think it may make you happy , sometimes god makes another plans makes you more happier , don't let anything take you down easily ever, what ever you will do it will give you a result in the end so make sure you are on the right track , as for love ' you are dreaming too much to find , you won't find it until you love your self , you will never find it soon , don't get too sad , that's life - Love , wise , money , hugs , laughs , happy , health , it's all gonna gone so use them wisely in order to be proud of what you did in the past when you reach the future "

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Being in love

A dream which might not come true ,a dream that I'm dying for , and worth fighting for , i was dreaming to become a very romance guy which already became true but it's too hard to be empty hearted till I meet her ,wanna a hug from u when i feel bad ,hold my hand when u want to make me not feel lonely again , i'm sure that each heart completes another but the time to see that happen is the problem